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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School


  • Bright Day

    Fri 27 Feb 2015 M Davis

    We need our sunglasses on in school today, as the children are all dressed in their brightest clothes!


    Our Junior Road Safety Officers, Kira and Katie, organised Bright Day to remind us all how important it is that we can be seen on the roads. This is especially important on the country roads around the villages where there are no pavements.

  • Prayer Space Day

    Wed 11 Feb 2015 M Davis

    Today was a day of peaceful reflection in our Learning Zone, which was transformed for the day into a Prayer Space.


    The children were split into small groups, and each group had the opportunity to spend an hour in the Prayer Space, to explore the activities and spaces within the room, and to spend the time in peaceful reflection. There were opportunities to ask questions about God, to think about others, to say a prayer for someone and to reflect on those less fortunate than us. More than anything it was a time to give the children some space to be and think for themselves without the pressures of normal school life.


    It was wonderful to observe the children taking their time to explore and to think about themselves, their families and friends, and those further away. The children were all very positive about the experience and one even declared it was 'the best hour we have had in school!'


    In such a busy, noisy world, and an active school, sometimes our children need permission to take time to be at peace with themselves; and this project showed that it was certainly worthwhile.


    See the pictures below to get a flavour of some of what was going on.


    Many thanks to Cathy Dyson, Chris Cassady and Sue Bamber for giving up their day to make this happen. It was a special experience for the children, and one we hope we can repeat.

  • Cross Country Competition

    Mon 09 Feb 2015 M Davis

    A huge congratulations to those children who represented the school in the County Cross Country Competition on Saturday. It was cold weather, but Mrs Ranson reported that you all gave it your best and were a credit to the school.


    Mrs Ranson reported: "They all ran strongly over a difficult course that saw them starting off down hill, before climbing a hill to the halfway point then crossing some uneven ground and ending on a very challenging uphill 40m to the finish. I couldn't get exact numbers of entries but was told it was between 40 -50 for each event (I think nearer the 50). Olly came in smiling and strong 21st in Y5 boys. Laura (Y6) came 18th and still looked like she had loads of energy when she crossed the line. Callum and Max (Y6)completed a gruelling longer course and came in 38th  and 39th respectfully. They ran together giving each other encouragement. 

    I was very proud of all their achievements and it was lovely to see them and their supporters cheering on every Exton runner."


    Well done to all our runners and their families for cheering them on.

  • Newsletter 9 2014-15

    Fri 06 Feb 2015
  • Newsletter 8 2014-15

    Fri 06 Feb 2015
  • KS2 SATs Parents Information Meeting

    Thu 05 Feb 2015 M Davis

    It was good to be able to chat through what happens in the Year 6 KS2 SATs with some of our parents this evening, and Mr Marks and I hope we have put some fears and worries to rest. SATs can be worrying for children, parents and staff! We hope to make the process as stress-free as possible.


    The powerpoint used is in the 'Useful Documents' section of the website.


    Do speak to class teachers if you have any further questions.

  • E-Safety Parents Information Evening

    Thu 05 Feb 2015 M Davis

    Thank you to those parents who were able to join us for our E-safety evening this evening. It was interesting to be able to share some statistics and advice on keeping our children safe on-line, including data on what our own children know about E-Safety. The good news is the majority of our KS2 children already know about the importance of keeping themselves safe. Mr Marks will be working in ICT to develop their knowledge after the next holiday.


    Please look in our 'Useful Information' section of the website to find the Powerpoint used at the information evening.

  • Basketball Competition

    Mon 02 Feb 2015 M Davis

    We were very proud of the year 5/6 children who volunteered to become our Basketball team to represent the school at the recent Rutland Basketball Competition. There was some great teamwork, and even some cheerleading from the side-lines!


    Well done to all those who took part. Mrs KK and Mr Chalkley were very proud of you all and said that you were a credit to the school.

  • Exton Gets Technical!

    Mon 02 Feb 2015 M Davis
    We have had a new server fitted at school and we are moving to a new technological age for the school! Eventually all the children will have their own login, which will enable them to be able to access their work from any computer in the school, instead of the old system of remembering which computer they last worked on! Our internet should be quicker too, and we are looking forward to making good use of the technology.

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