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Welcome to

Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Year 6 Leavers' Assembly

What a fantastic afternoon saying goodbye to our year 6!


Our 'Fab Four' did themselves proud in their leavers' play - a glance back through their time at Exton with the help of the Tardis and Doctor Who. Thank you to year 4 and 5 who helped them produce their memories through a short drama. The four songs chosen by the year 6 were sung beautifully and '1,2,3, you can count on me' reduced many of the audience (and participants) to tears with it's apt message. 


We are so proud of all that our year 6 have achieved during their time with us at Exton & Greetham. Whether you have been with us since the beginning of Reception, or whether you joined us during this year, we are proud of everything you have achieved and of the wonderful young people you have become. We hope that you stay in touch and let us know how you are getting on. As I said in the assembly - once you have been part of the Exton & Greetham family,  you remain so, how every old you are, and how every far away you go. We continue to think of you fondly, and hope you think of us fondly too. You all have fantastic potential, and can achieve whatever you want to achieve. Keep trying, believe in the power of yet, and remember that all your friends are behind you. 

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