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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Year 5/6 Warning Zone Visit

On Wednesday, year 5 and 6 spent the day at Warning Zone in Leicester. Warning Zone is a life-Skills Centre and children safeguarding charity who work with children towards the end of their primary school to catch them at a key transition in their life. As the children have more independence, they become responsible for their actions, behaviour and the decisions they make - both offline and online. At Warning Zone, the children are educated on understanding risks and consequences, peer pressure and anti-social behaviour amongst other things. 


The children spent the morning looking at e-safety and keeping themselves safe on-line. This included how to behave on-line and developing an awareness of who they are talking to.


The afternoon was spent in the 8 safety learning zones. Here the children learnt about road safety, water safety, staying safe around electricity, building sites and railways and about the dangers of taking short cuts.


The children came back full of ideas and ways to keep themselves safe. A huge thank you to the Windmill House Trust for sponsoring our visit.



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