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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Year 5/6 Bikeability

Eight of our year 5/6 children took part in Bikeability this week. It was fantastic to see them grow in confidence from learning skills on the playground, to venturing out into the village on the first day; and then taking to the busier roads of Oakham today for their level 2 training. The children have learnt about good road positioning, how to signal and the importance of checking over their shoulder, as well as a quick bit of bike maintenance. 


All of the children achieved level 1 and 2. Well done to all concerned. 


The children are always delightful in school - but I am always pleased when their behaviour has been complimented by those from outside school. The two instructors told me that the group were fantastic, great company and beautifully behaved. What a credit you are to the school and to your parents.

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