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Welcome to

Exton & Greetham CE Primary School


On Tuesday morning we were visited by Adele from the NSPCC as part of their 'Stay safe, speak out' campaign. Adele led two assemblies for the children followed by a workshop for the year 5/6 children. The assemblies were focussed on developing the children's awareness of staying safe, and encouraging them to realise that they have a voice. The children were also introduced to Buddy, the NSPCC mascot.

Year 5/6 then took part in a workshop where they were able to discuss and talk through different scenarios, deciding whether they were safe or not safe, and how they could seek help.


Thank you to Adele for visiting - we will be doing a sponsored event in the next couple of weeks to raise money for the NSPCC as a thank you for visiting us, and to help them spread their message to other children. 

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