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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Dedication of the Prayer Garden

We were delighted to welcome members of the local community and the Right Reverend John Holbrook, Bishop of Brixworth to the school this afternoon to dedicate and officially open the refurbished Prayer Garden.


The children started with a song celebrating creation, before thanks were said to the people who had bought the garden to fruition through planning, hard work and a lot of time given for free to the school. Thank you again to Cathy Dyson for the initial idea, and Ann, Stewart, Dave, George, John and Penny for all their hard work. Thank you also to Exton PCC for their generous use of the Henry Forster fund to support the beautiful garden we now have.


The children then sang a version of the Lord's Prayer from African Sanctus; a fitting song as the stepping stones through the garden contain the words of the Lord's Prayer. The Bishop then spoke to our visitors and the children before testing out the bench. He also said a prayer to dedicate the garden and marked crosses in the earth around the perimeter with his Bishop's crook. The service finished with  the children singing the school prayer.


We very much enjoyed having the Bishop with us on such an occasion, and look forward to inviting him to join with us again soon.

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