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Welcome to

Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

What makes our school special?

Our enrichment writing group were asked to write some reasons why children and parents should choose our school. The following are completely unprompted - but the staff are very touched by their kind comments!


"You should come to our school because our school has all the best teachers and the best learning methods. If you tell them that you don't understand then they will find a way for you to understand. There are the most kind people. They give the best education."


"Our school is good because all the kids are very nice, kind and helpful. All the teachers help encourage all the kids to enjoy and move on in their learning. We all get along and play well. I like the school because it encourages me in my learning and to get along with everyone."


"The teacher are organised and I love every lesson! Our headteacher is the best one I could ask for! If I had to pick any school in Rutland, it would for sure be this one. All of the kids are so nice and empathetic."

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