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Welcome to

Exton & Greetham CE Primary School


What a fantastic group of year 5/6 netballers we have! We have so far taken part in 3 out of 4 meetings with our 'league' of schools. Each week our team have got better and better, and more and more confident. We have been working hard on our 'grr' and being a little more assertive in our playing - the politeness of our children always shines through, and to begin with we were very happy to give the ball away rather than reach in to grab it! With some support from our expert netball players on the staff, we have worked on being more assertive in going for the ball and have raised our level of play enormously. Nets have been scored by four of our players, who were delivered the ball by some great teamwork. Our footwork is second to none! Our last meet is next week. Good luck to all concerned!

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